p/s:- We arrived at Malaysian Hall one day early for full rehearsal.. THat night, we ate at Taste of Thai... Yummy!!
Last two months, my friend Napi from Malaysian Hall invited me and my dance group to perform a dance for an art exhibition.. I was very excited that i could perform in Australia. It was a small step for me to expose my dance group and my ability to choreograph a dance - either modern or traditional.. I was fired up by the invitation that i choreographed, for me the best choreography so far..
Thanks to God and all my dance-mates for willingly dancing for the event. I was glad and happy that all the feedbacks that i got were positive and people were happy with our performance. The best feeling ever when the VVIP of the night, Dr Nasir said 'I wish i could go in front and dance with all of you because it was good. But i know that i am already old and i have be like an old man."
Thanks to all who supports RENTAK! until now. Thanks to all my Macquarie friends that came to support our dance group as well as the event..
team dani "rentak' ek...
klu ada copy video mesti best leh tgk
mesti menari best sbb Dr. Nasir yg old timer tu pon teringin nak nari sekali
weh.. upload video arr... nak nengokkkk
weh!cun siot make up kowang!!!hehe..upload vdeo er..plz2....
ni dh komen dh...
kalau awk jd dancer, sape nk jd cikgu?
sy jadi ar dua2 nimah... sy kan multitasker... huhuhu
chid, madiha n pean, tggu lar.. nnti aku upload kn.. tpi malu ar.. huhuh
kalu mcm 2 bek jd lect kat aswara xpun lect uitm bhg seni persembahan...
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