Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DFO - Homebush...

Yay!! Holiday!

But then, I do not have any plan to go anywhere...
Then, my friend suggested to go to Homebush.. Shopping at Direct Factory Outlet.. We went there by train..
Train in Sydney is very much different from my beloved country.. Tiga tingkat woo.. Siap ad tandas lagi tuh...
Then, once we arrived in Homebush, we were lost..
I bet I burned lots if calories to find DFO..
We took around 30 minutes walk to go to DFO ... far isn't it? But we only took 10 minutes to go back to the train station..
Then, we repaid our walk with shopping like hell... I bought two short jeans, one short pants n three t-shirts... I was quite disapponted that I could not buy things that I have planned. Bag, shirts, long jeans and hoodies...
It's ok... We were planning to go to Chatswood this Thursday.. So, hopefully, I can buy all things that i want...

p/s: I am technically broke yet acting like i have lots of money.. Stupid me.. hahah....
p/s2: The stuffs that I carried in the pictures were belong to Izzaidah.. Mine only two bags ok.. Do not misunderstood.. uhuhhuh....


izza mdatan said...

i shoppInG bYK..
thAnX bWkkN..

d!d!-d!ey@ said...

tlg shopping kt aku skali er2??hehe..nnti aku list brg.hahahha