EDUC260 - William DeJean made a housekeeping session.. Everyone needed to talk and express about what they have learn through the course.. It was very sad to know that it was our last tutorial... Yet thanks to technology that i still can keep in touch with them.. I will miss you Hayley.. She was great.. And Alice.. And Indra.. and Everyone...
Learning Support - Our mum, Cheryll... I was like a child when i was in her class... He treated us with love and care... Very caring and respectful... Wish to see u next semester...
EDUC261 - My cool tutor, Andrew Cram also did the same thing, kinda summed up all the lesson that we have been through.. And talk about Exam... Sigh... Yet, learning about the application of technology in classroom was indeed interactive.. Im gonna miss my cool tutor, Andrew and friendly bubbly Jennifer Resse... Miss both of you..
mesti x bosan kan kat kelas diorang... :-)
= Sg. Petani, Kedah
huhu... dorang supportive.. besh ar.. cuma kdg2 rasa malu sket nk voice out opinion sbb dorang nyer level of thinking way beyond me.. sbb ad yg dah jadi cikgu n lecturer dlm klas din.. huhu
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